Winter Salad
Winter Salads can be just as good as summer ones, using fruit such as Pomegranates and late season Granny Smith Apples. This salad disappears at the Christmas potluck, or any potluck for that matter., pub-7672865068858229, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Winter Salads can be just as good as summer ones, using fruit such as Pomegranates and late season Granny Smith Apples. This salad disappears at the Christmas potluck, or any potluck for that matter.
Labneh is a soft Middle Eastern cheese made from strained Greek yogurt. Generally, it has the consistency of cream cheese and can be used as a dip on Mezze Platters or dotted on pizza and salads. The longer you strain the yogurt, the thicker the …
Whether making Shrimp and Guacamole for 1 or a group this is a beautiful summer appetizer or meal. Serve with tortilla chips.
Greek Salad is a family favourite and served throughout the summer and fall when the vegetables are at their peak.
A Tostada is simply the whole tortilla fried crispy, rather than cut into triangles like the chips. And they are perfect for building everything you would in a taco, only flat. Tostados or any taco meal is especially easy if you have a nearby authentic …
This is a perfect appetizer in any season. The flavour of the tomatoes improves with roasting and do take the time to press the Feta or the spread will be too briny.
We love this salad as a side dish with grilled beef or lamb. Feta Cheese varies in flavour and saltiness. Greek Feta has more intensity than French Feta, and both are delicious.
Pears were a favourite food of the ancient Romans and Greeks – believed to be “gifts from the gods”. Pears are so versatile, and thought to be one of the oldest cultivated fruits originating in present day Western China.
Chopped Salad is a delicious salad that show cases the freshest produce of the summer and fall. Fresh lemon juice makes a difference considering the salad ingredients are fresh and at their peak. Easy. Easy, add grilled chicken or shrimp for a more substantial meal if …
Traditionally Greek Salad is served in the summer and fall when tomatoes are at their peak. They are the star ingredient and the salad shines when the tomatoes do. Historically, Greek Salad does not include lettuce.