Winter Salad
Winter Salads can be just as good as summer ones, using fruit such as Pomegranates and late season Granny Smith Apples. This salad disappears at the Christmas potluck, or any potluck for that matter., pub-7672865068858229, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Winter Salads can be just as good as summer ones, using fruit such as Pomegranates and late season Granny Smith Apples. This salad disappears at the Christmas potluck, or any potluck for that matter.
There are as many variations of a Stir Fry as thee are Spaghetti Sauce recipes. The idea is not to overcook the vegetables and marinate thinly cut meat before a fast dip in the wok. The prep time is definitely the timely factor, the wok …
This recipe was adapted from the Calgary Herald years ago, and probably came from Marcella Hazan the Italian cook and cookbook author. It’s delicious and a very mild sauce. Don’t skip the butter, it really does make the sauce creamier and it’s a nice change …
Charcuterie’s and Cheese Boards are some of the most versatile appetizers or even meals.
Our favourite honey farm is Arlo’s Honey Farm just outside of Kelowna, B.C. The quality is outstanding. Our usual go to is Wildflower, but we bought Noir Honey recently and loved it drilled on pork and as part of a charcuterie.
Cold Smoked Salmon and Lox look very similar. Thinly sliced, except Cold Smoked Salmon has a smoky flavour whereas Lox has more of a briny flavour. Critical for flavour on this pizza is the fresh baby dill, it really does make a difference. This is …
It is always nice to entertain during the Christmas Season, and we love serving little tastes of a nice hot soup. The soy sauce adds a bit of Unami flavour and fresh ginger adds the depth. Any left over coconut milk freezes really well.
Limoncino Vinegar is so much sweeter than other flavoured vinegars. A product of Italy, it is found in specialty stores, distributed by Preferisco Foods Ltd., Vancouver.
This modern version of onions and soup originates in Paris, made with beef broth and caramelized onions. Heartwarming and topped with the best Swiss Cheese and a little Parmesan is a meal in itself.
Meyer Lemon season is between December and May, so grab a bag when you see them. The halibut most likely will be frozen that time of year, buy it from a reputable fish store and it will still taste delicious.