Greek Salad with Chick Peas and Baby Greens
Greek Salad is a family favourite and served throughout the summer and fall when the vegetables are at their peak., pub-7672865068858229, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0
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Greek Salad is a family favourite and served throughout the summer and fall when the vegetables are at their peak.
The Comox Valley is pretty as a picture, encompassing the city of Courtney and town of Como – all of 8 minutes away from one another on then east coast of Vancouver Island. Courtney and Comox won’t be hidden gems forever…….views, activities, and locally crafted …
Quintessential for a 1950’s cocktail party – a recipe for Clam Dip aired on the Kraft Music Hall Show, and canned clams sold out within 24 hours in New York City! This dip is rich and perfectly matched to Ripple Potato Chips………An American Classic!
Prosciutto di Parma stands out from any other prosciutto. Made under strict Italian quality controls, it does make a difference when draped across fresh pasta tossed with Parmesan. Make this for 1 person or a crowd……’s really easy and quick. let alone simple Italian stunning …
A Tostada is simply the whole tortilla fried crispy, rather than cut into triangles like the chips. And they are perfect for building everything you would in a taco, only flat. Tostados or any taco meal is especially easy if you have a nearby authentic …
Canadian pear season typically is anytime in August until October/November, and they complement so many types of cheeses. But……pears are grown nearly year round in other parts of the world. Regardless, pears are a common ingredient in our salads and charcuteries.
We love Caprese Salad, so what could be better than an antipasto tray with those incredible ingredients, alongside olives, prosciutto, roasted peppers, and a really good finishing olive oil. These are the smaller bottles of olive oil, and much higher priced that are meant to …
Truly a summer time salad, when tomatoes are are their peak. A creamy traditional Blue Cheese is perfect.
This rich and hearty version of lasagna uses sweet or spicy Spolumbo’s Italian Sausage equally well; and a little Chèvre gives it some depth. Serve with a green salad and dinner is made for a cool evening.
Baked Potatoes are called Jacket Potatoes in the UK and when topped with chili these are hearty enough to be the main meal. Start with a salad and crisp vinaigrette.